AiR exchange - Residency exchange program

Iran-Norway´s Curatorial Exchange Program 2015-2017
The curatorial exchange program, with partnership and collaboration of the Norwegian institution Kunsthall 3,14, is held in order to enhance the curatorial knowledge in Iran’s contemporary art and provide a proper situation to make dialogue between Iranian and international curators.
Orkideh Daroudi (Curator - Gallery Owner) and Alireza Bayat (Curator) are the two selected young Iranian curators who worked on this project beside Sissel lillebostad and Malin Barth, the other two curators from Norway. The result of their collaboration will be shown in 2017, in both Iran and Norway.
The residency resulted in the upcoming exhibition and publication “Shadow of Garden”. The date for Bergen is June 16th through August 6th, and in Teheran from October 27th through November 19th, 2017.
The project is developed in collaboration between Iranian curators Orkideh Daroodi and Alireza Bayat together with Norwegian curators Sissel Lillebostad and Malin Barth. The exchange was initiated in 2015 between Kooshk Residency in Teheran and Kunsthall 3,14 in Bergen. The exhibition is composed of works from eight artists, from Iran and Norway, and the themes discussed are understanding and cultivation of nature. This is fundamental for survival but it also leads to territorial boundaries and conflict over resources. The topic discussed in a series of texts by writers from both Iran and Norway.
(The curators explore this complex topic within the present socio-political situation, which is tarnished by distress and anxiety related to un-predictability, but where one also find optimism and energy to solve these issues. They also want to take a closer look at the shade we create and how one through art perceive this position.)

Kooshk Residency

Kooshk Residency

Kooshk Residency, Bergen

Kooshk Residency

Artists for Iran-Norway´s Exchange Program 2016
In a collaboration between Kooshk Residency and Kunsthall 3,14, the exchange program between 4 Iranian and Norwegian artists will be held on 2016. Adriana Alves and Gitte Sætre from Norway, and Mehrdad Afsari and Amirhosain Bayani have been nominated to participate in this exchange program.
The first part was held 01-15 February, 2016 in Bergen, and the second part in Tehran 01-15 June, 2016.
Currency of Fantasy; a discursive workshop by Adriana Alves and Gitte Sætre
June 12th from 18:00 to 20:00
Dialog based exchange program between 3,14 and Kooshk Residency.
In collaboration with Rybon Art Center.
Can the soft power of aesthetics and the artists’ role as creative agents build up a platform for new ideas, plans and initiatives?
As the second part of the exchange program between Kooshk residency (Teheran) and the Foundation 3,14 (Bergen, Norway), we are hosting two Norwegian based artists - Adriana Alves and Gitte Sætre. In this regards, the guest artists invite colleagues for a discursive workshop. The starting point for the arrangement is to engage on a dialogue regarding art’s potential to redefine global infrastructures and transform social behavioural patterns.
The open call goes to individual voices, working not only within visual art field, which are open to contribute to diversity and to a broader dialogue between people. Sætre and Alves will start out by introducing the concept of community as a ’poetic re-claiming of functions as well as NuitDebout (Night on Our Feet), an ongoing activity in Place de la Republique in Paris, aiming to catalyze further discussion on the future. In order to manage this challenging task of visualizing the alternatives lying ahead of us, the artists aim to initiate a playful and collaborative mind mapping of what we today might categorize as utopias.

Kooshk Residency

Kooshk Residency

Kooshk Residency, Bergen

Kooshk Residency
Assisting Artists whose Freedom, and Even Lives, are at Risk
ARTISTS at RISK (AR) is a non-profit network institution at the intersection of human rights and the arts. AR is dedicated to mapping the field of persecuted art practitioners, facilitating their safe passage from their countries of origin, hosting them at AR-Residencies and curating related projects, including the AR Pavilion .
Artists, writers, curators, critics and scholars are targets of politically motivated threats and persecution in great parts of the world. Perpetuum Mobile (PM) initiated Artists at Risk (AR) as a platform and network to support these art practitioners in times of need. This encompasses enabling their safe exit from countries of origin, the procurement of travel documents, providing legal assistance, and matching ARs with “AR-Residencies”. The AR-Network comprises a growing number of local nodes. Since 2013, it has created over 20 AR-Residencies for artists across 17 countries – from Finland, Germany and Spain to Tunisia and the Ivory Coast – offering temporary relocation for artists who face persecution or imprisonment for exercising their right to freedom of expression. The programme has assisted artists from Brazil, Syria, Vietnam, Egypt and Kenya, among many other countries.
AR develops cooperation programmes with artist-in-residency centres, art/film/theatre unions, cities and human rights networks which help provide artists at risk a safe place of temporary relocation. Perpetuum Mobile (PM) also curates events, conferences and the dedicated “AR Pavilion” — recently at the Athens Biennale; as part of the parallel programme of the Instabul Biennale; at Matadero-Madrid; at Aufbau Haus Berlin and the Berlin Nordic Embassies; and in Helsinki — which showcases the artistic practices of AR-Residents.
The European Parliament honoured Perpetuum Mobile with the CIVI EUROPAEO PRAEMIUM (the European Citizen’s Prize) for AR in 2016.
Safe Haven Helsinki won the Annual Art Act Award in 2016.
Artists at Risk (AR) won the Thematic State Prize of Finland in 2017.
Artists at Risk (AR) was featured on the first SUBSTANCE 100 list in 2020.
Subscribe to the AR Newsletter
Social Media
Facebook Page: Artists at Risk
Twitter: @ArtistsatRisk
Instagram: ArtistsatRisk
General hashtag: #perpetuum #AR
AR-Safe Haven Residencies and local partnerships
Recently active AR-Residencies (expanding capacity)
AR-Bergen at Kunsthall 3,14, Norway is launching in 2021 as part of IA & AR**. Kunsthall 3,14 is a non-profit art institution centrally located in the heart of Bergen, Norway, almost exclusively working with international exhibitions and partnerships, with an emphasis on contemporary art beyond the western discourse. The residency is co-funded by IA & AR**. The program is funded by Artists at Risk Perpetuum Mobile Kulturrådet and (some projects) by Bergen kommune.
Below is a slideshow dispalaying the artists housed by Kunsthall 3,14. Due to their precarious sitution, some artists prefer anonymity and are therefore not listed.

Project: Bereginya - Awakening of Women's Power Home country: Ukraine

Project: Bereginya - Awakening of Women's Power Home country: Ukraine
Circulating AiR (2014-16) pilot project consisting of an international artist-in-residence program that traverses the county of Hordaland on the west coast of Norway. Earlier, 3,14 arranged art shows that toured around the region, and as this practice faded out, the institution focused on rethinking new strategies in order to revitalize its engagement with the county. Each residency program lasts for a period of six to eight weeks, every single round being arranged in a new municipality.
By direct invitation, 3,14 curated profiled international artists inclined to work site-specifically. The program covered all expenses and provided a working fee as well as a production budget. The artists committed to developing site-related works during their stay, establishing a dialogue with the hosting community in various ways, i.e. by taking into account historical, geographical, contextual, contemporary and traditional aspects that have formed it. All projects were publically shown in their respective hosting communities and the artists also provided a lecture in a local school.
Program funded by Hordaland Cultural Development Program (KUP), Hordaland county.

28.10. - 06.11.2016
In the gaze of Panoptes (2016)
Single channel video installation, color, sound, 20 min.
[Residency period 04.-06.2016]

28.10. - 06.11.2016
Encrenca_Trøbbel (2014)
Video, 7 min. (in the gallerys´ vault)
[Residency period 09.-10.2014]

[Residency period 08.-10.2016]
"Look up - Look down"
Friday 21. oct. 2016, 19:00
HardingarT Bankbygget i Utne, Ullensvang.

[Residency period 08.-09.2015]