Free Flow

Mariam Gviniashvili is a sound artist and composer from Georgia. She combines electronics, electroacoustics and 3D sound technology with visuals, dance and live performance to penetrate deep into the physical and emotional essence of sound and space. Gviniashvili’s work is characterized by a diverse and unexpected subject matter: distractions during online meetings; the strange cosmic ballet of the audiovisual; or virus spreading patterns.
Free Flow, presented in 3,14’s parabolic loudspeaker is a fixed-media multichannel piece based on AI-generated violin samples from a database that provided the work's grounding noise(s), glitches, and distorted sounds. Using the selected material, Gviniashvili has created a
sound-world that opposes the traditional sonority of a violin. This sonic space is at once powerful, rich in textures, overwhelming, harsh, and ear-piercing:
“I allowed the sound material to guide me through the compositional process, freely shaping - through a free flow - the form and dramaturgy of the piece”
Free Flow is part of the Debris project, a set of electronic compositions based on materials generated by Demiurge, a-music machine-learning platform. Demiurge consists of a tripartite neural network architecture devised to generate and sequence audio waveforms.
Parabol is curated for Kunsthall 3,14 by Julie Lillelien Porter, Director at Lydgalleriet