Episode 5
The The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project
This episode explores The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project (CCP) by the Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen. What is the potential hidden in biological and cultural diversity? What started by crossbreeding a Belgian chicken with one from France has, over the past 25 years, evolved into a universal breeding project that challenges monoculture both metaphorically and in practice

Episode 4
Punk Sound Collage for a Bike Ride to the Suburbs
The episode challenges you to notice logistical systems and details in everyday life that we might take for granted. It´s a punk sound collage in collaboration with the American artist and researcher Benjamin Gerdes and the bicycle director of the City of Bergen, Einar Grieg. The episode premiered as a part of a performative lecture on a bike ride from Kunsthall 3,14 to the suburbs of Fyllingsdalen. The tunnel to Fyllingsdalen is the longest cycle and pedestrian tunnel in the world.

Episode 3
Painting as Act of Solidarity
In episode 3,14 Gitte Sætre discusses the exhibition "Law of the Land" at Kunsthall 3,14 during the summer of 2023, with the Irish artist Brian Maguire. The painting series "Missing and Murdered Indigenous People" and "The Remains, Arizona" call out the violence against Indigenous peoples and immigrants unfolding in the American West. How can art function as resistance and a way to fight against injustice?

Episode 2
Art and Human Rights
Kunsthall 3,14 is in dialogue with Chris Duckett, the founder of the Human Rights Art Foundation. Duckett has worked with human rights issues for over 20 years, and he played a key role in introducing the Irish artist Brian Maguire’s painting series «Missing and Murdered Indigenous People» to Kunsthall 3,14. The episode follows up a series of exhibitions, talks and seminars on resistance and solidarity.

Episode 1
Det oseaniske som kunstnerisk metode
Hvor ligger krysningspunktet mellom billedkunst og scenekunst, og hva skjer når man blander inn horrorsjanger? I denne episoden diskuterer Kunsthall 3,14 med billedkunstner Søren Thilo Funder og forfatter Ida Lødemel Tvedt om utstillingen «Oceanic Horror or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism». Utstillingen, som ble vist på Kunsthall 3,14 i våren 2023, var en del av Funders Ph.d. prosjekt ved KMD.

Ekstra material for episode 5
Panel dicussion at Natural History Museum
A conversation brings together Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen, palaeontology professor Hanneke Meijer, and anthropologist Karin Lillevold from the University of Bergen. The conversation will be moderated by Gitte Sætre, debate editor at Kunsthall 3,14.
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